Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I love that group! But this is not about music. Nacho & I are headed out to CO but this time by train. I did this by myself 4 years ago since i didnt have to worry about anyone but me. I loved it! But of course i HATE flying. We usually drive the 14 hours out to CO & the train is 18 so not that big of a deal when you have the time. Of course I've never been out of the country, well except for Canada, so I have no idea what train travel is like in other countries. I hear nothing but good about it from those who have. I do know that we (US) are woefully inadequate in this tecnology as well. Too bad cuz it's relaxing & less demoralizing than any airport I've ever been in. Anyone want to enlighten me on how great, or maybe not, this is in other parts of the world?

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