a couple weeks ago, i had to go home for a family funeral. i always stay with my sister Renee when i go home. one of her friends had asked me to take some pictures of some stuff at her house. Renee didn't bother to tell me what i was taking pictures of, just that "Sheila's got something she wants you to shoot." okay, in hindsight, had i known, i would have brought a gun instead of a camera. cuz this is what she wanted me to "shoot".
what my sister didn't realize, is that 2nd only to flying, these things creep me out. it's the number of legs. oh, this is a Banana Spider by the way. seriously, i'm having a hard time even typing this. you can't get a real feel for how big this thing is, but to help you.... hold your hand out in front of your face (arm's length). okay, your hand is about how big this was and the distance between your face and your hand is about how close i had to get to get this photo. did i mention, this one, and about 100+ more just like it were hanging all over the place in and around Sheila's house and barn on the Chipola River back home. i freakin grew up there, but never knew "shit, these things are all over the place around here!" thanks Renee. i took lots of pictures but many were too blurry because i couldn't COULDN'T STOP FREAKIN' SHAKIN'. i couldn't even remain still enough for my IS lens to balance it out - something tells me they don't test phobias out on lenses in the lab. at one point, i had to stand in the middle of the barn cuz Renee thought "it'd be cool to get a picture of 'em all hangin' there!" yeah, that was cool. that photo didnt' turn out. and pardon me for not holding my hand up next to one to give you perspective on size. just trust me on that one. i don't care if "hell, they ain't gone bite you" (again, thanks sis). so you will just have to excuse me for (1) taking so long to post this CUZ I'M STILL SUFFERING FROM PTSD and (2) I'M STILL SUFFERING FROM PTSD!!!
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